PhilFIDA, DA-RFO I, and Provincial Government of Ilocos Sur Collaborated to Harmonize Resources for Sustainable Development

Date Posted 13 May 2024

Three key government agencies - the Philippine Fiber Industry Development Authority (PhilFIDA), the Department of Agriculture Regional Field Office I (DA-RFO I), and the Provincial Government of Ilocos Sur (PGIS) - recently signed a Usufruct agreement on May 8, 2024, at the Ilocos Sur Research Center (ISReC) in Labnig, San Juan, Ilocos Sur. This deed of grant of usufructuary rights signifies a step toward the efficient management of governmental land.

The ceremony, attended by representatives including Dir. Evelyn B. Cagasan, PhilFIDA OIC-Executive Director, Dr. Florentino A. Adame, OIC-RTD for Research & Regulations of DA-RFO I, and Governor Jeremias C. Singson of Ilocos Sur, highlights the importance of collaborative efforts in driving holistic progress. Governor Jeremias C. Singson, in his impassioned address, emphasized the critical importance of expanding learning opportunities for students and fostering economic and agricultural benefits for local farmers, placing the Ilocos Sur Research Center and the Ilocos Sur Community College at the forefront of this transformative journey. "For a strong partnership, let us work as one PhilFIDA, one DA, and one Ilocos Sur," he urged, underscoring the collective effort needed to drive meaningful change. Echoing Governor Singson's sentiments, Dir. Evelyn B. Cagasan, PhilFIDA OIC-Executive Director, reaffirmed the commitment of PhilFIDA to share resources with the Department of Agriculture (DA). She emphasized the importance of adhering to the terms outlined in the deed of the Usufruct will be pivotal in monitoring the agreement's effectiveness over the next 25 years.  

This unique agreement sets a precedent for inter-agency collaboration and integrated land management practices. By pooling resources, expertise, and efforts, they pave the way for sustainable development, where education, agriculture, and economic growth thrive hand in hand.