Year-End Assessment-Workshop on the Implementation of iFED Programs, Activities and Projects (PAPs) for FY 2023, Work and Financial Planning Workshop for FY 2024

Date Posted 21 December 2023

On December 13, 2023, the Interim Fiber Engineering Division (IFED) of the Philippine Fiber Industry Development Authority organized a Year-End Assessment-Workshop at the Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) in Tagaytay City. The workshop focused on the implementation of IFED Program, Activity, and Project (PAPs) for FY 2023 and the Work and Financial Planning for FY 2024.

During the session, Regional Agricultural and Biosystems Engineers (RABEs) presented detailed reports on the progress and achievements of their respective IFED PAPs. These reports highlighted the milestones reached, challenges faced, and lessons learned throughout the year. The presentations provided valuable insights into the effectiveness and impact of the various initiatives undertaken by the IFED.

Meanwhile, one of the key areas of focus was the presentation of the IFED targets established by the Regional Offices for the fiscal year 2024. These targets pertained to the Program, Activity, and Project (PAPs) and were scrutinized to include precise objectives for the region.

The assessment process involved a thorough analysis of these targets to ensure that they align with the overall goals and priorities of the region. By incorporating specific objectives into the targets, the Regional Offices aimed to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the PAPs.

Overall, the one-day session was a productive and informative event. The presentation of accomplishment reports for each PAP and target setting by the Regional Offices allowed for a comprehensive assessment of the IFED's activities. The discussions and presentations facilitated a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the fiber industry, and viable solutions were proposed to address them. The session served as a platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing, contributing to the overall growth and success of the Philippine fiber industry.