Director Ted Costales Leads Consultative Meeting with the Industry Stakeholders on the Proposed MOA to Stop All-in Buying Abaca

Date Posted October 2017

A consultative meeting with the major players in the Philippine abaca industry led by Director Ted Costales was recently held at the Sulo Riviera Hotel in Quezon City on 08 September 2017. The meeting aimed to consult and seek the nod of the stakeholders on the memorandum of agreement (MOA) crafted by the agency to stop the practice of “all-in” buying of abaca fibers.

The MOA provides for the commitment of the key sectors of the industry to cease from doing “all-in” buying of abaca fibers and buy on a classification basis instead. This came after the said practice was identified to be the cause of the uncontrollable deterioration of fiber quality that has been affecting the industry for the past years.

Except for minor corrections and recommendations for refinement, the MOA presented was generally accepted by the participants and all the parties involved agreed to meet once more for the finalization of the document.

The event was graced by mostly heads of the different key sectors of the industry particularly Grading-Baling Establishments (GBEs), Fiber Processors and Trader-Exporters. The PhilFIDA regional directors and division chiefs were also part of the event.