Monthly Baling of Philippine Commercial Fibers
(in bales of 125 kgs.)
Note: Click on the month to view/download the monthly report
Abaca Coir Salago MSP Raffia Kapok Piña Buntal Canton Sisal Buri Maguey Cotton TOTAL
January 23,931.00 6,690.00 120.00 26.00 2.67 9.00 0.40 30,779.07
February 25,237.60 7,059.00 143.00 30.00 23.46 4.07 8.00 0.97 32,506.10
March 28,654.80 9,203.00 135.00 14.26 12.64 4.71 31.00 1.03 38,056.44
 April 28,224.30 8,040.00 209.00 28.00 8.58 16.00  5.22 7.00 5.52 36,543.62
 May 33,518.50 6,982.00 181.00 53.00 18.65 0.64 14.80 47.00 4.59 40,820.18
June 27,371.20 7,691.00 192.00 31.00 26.65 11.00 10.20 31.00 2.17 35,366.22
July 30,309.80 4,993.00 83.00 27.00 4.86 59.00 55.00 40.00 35,571.66
August 31,601.00 8,027.00 132.00 28.02 36.00 1.70 37.00 4.45 39,867.17
September 31,450.00 5,498.00 152.00 30.00 14.12 32.00 1.81 14.00 4.28 37,196.21
October 28,519.00 10,103.00 79.00 11.36 28.00 0.78 54.00 3.36 38,798.50
November 28,815.00 5,346.00 192.00 36.58 40.00 0.40 13.00 0.07 34,443.05
 Total 317,632.2 79,632.00 1,618.00 199.00 212.54 0.64 234.64 46.36 306.00 26.84 40.00 399,948.22

Monthly Baling of Philippine Commercial Fibers
(in metric tons)
Note: Click on the month to view/download the monthly report
Abaca Coir Salago MSP Raffia Kapok Piña Buntal Canton Sisal Buri Maguey Cotton TOTAL
January 2,991.375 836.250 15.000 3.250 0.334 1.125 0.050 3,847.384
 February 3,154.700 882.375 17.875 3.750 2.933 0.509 1.000 0.121 4,063.263
March 3,581.850 1,150.375 16.875 1.783 1.580 0.589 3.875 0.129 4,757.055
 April 3,528.038 1,005.000 26.125 3.500 1.073 2.000 0.653 0.875 0.690 4,567.953
 May 4,189.813 872.750 22.625 6.625 2.331 0.080 1.850 5.875 0.574 5,102.523
June 3,421.400 961.375 24.000 3.875 3.331 1.375 1.275 3.875 0.271 4,420.778
July 3,788.725 624.125 10.375 3.375 0.608 7.375 6.875 5.000 4,446.458
August 3,950.125 1,003.375 16.500 3.503 4.500 0.213 4.625 0.556 4,983.396
September 3,931.250 687.250 19.000 3.750 1.765 4.000 0.226 1.750 0.535 4,649.526
October 3,564.875 1,262.875 9.875 1.420 3.500 0.098 6.750 0.420 4,849.813
November 3,601.875 668.250 24.000 4.573 5.000 0.050 1.625 0.009 4,305.381
 Total 39,704.025 9,954.000 202.250 24.875 26.568 0.080  29.330 5.795 38.250 3.355 5.000 49,993.528