Monthly Baling of Philippine Commercial Fibers
(in bales of 125 kgs.)
Note: Click on the month to view/download the monthly report
Abaca Coir Salago MSP Raffia Kapok Piña Buntal Canton Sisal Buri Maguey Cotton TOTAL
January 36,041.6 9,982.00 153.00 1,102.00 11.43 80.00 28.00 0.61 47,398.64
February 31,878.4 10,936.00 116.00 1,132.00 18.06 160.00 54.80 0.93 2.20 44,298.39
 March 35,357.0 12,853.00 118.00 754.00 33.04 80.00 81.68 6.52 6.00 5.40 49,294.64
 April 31,103.2 11,516.00 267.00 188.00 12.46 55.12 2.46 4.00 7.76 43,156.00
 May 33,361.5 9,482.00 181.00 135.00 6.00 25.00 4.61 54.00 4.96 43,254.07
 June 34,817.4 10,176.00 111.00 105.00 8.66 18.00 8.05 62.00 4.88 130.00 45,440.99
 July 32,975.5 11,676.00 316.00 97.00 4.18 19.00 4.66 51.00 3.16 161.44 45,307.94
 August 33,553.6 7,978.00 241.00 129.00 49.72 66.90 5.34 173.00 7.38 42,203.94
September 22,140.0 10,001.00 223.00 38.00 29.60 0.48 8.00 2.04 91.00 5.11 32,538.23
 October 23,918.6 8,569.00 241.00 33.62 5.24 78.00 2.00 7.74 32,855.20
November 23,924.1 9,157.00 257.00 37.00 21.12 0.25 6.96 42.00 7.58 33,453.01
December 19,876.0 9,055.00 80.00 68.00 22.32 0.40 0.08 7.37 19.00 29,128.17
 Total 358,946.9 121,381.00 2,304.00 3,785.00 250.21 321.13 356.58 54.79 580.00 2.00 56.17 291.44 488,329.22
Monthly Baling of Philippine Commercial Fibers
(in metric tons)
Note: Click on the month to view/download the monthly report
Abaca Coir Salago MSP Raffia Kapok Piña Buntal Canton Sisal Buri Maguey Cotton TOTAL
January 4,505.200 1,247.750 19.125 137.750 1.429 10.000 3.500 0.076 5,924.830
February 3,984.800 1,367.000 14.500 141.500 2.258 20.000 6.850 0.116 0.275 5,537.299
 March 4,419.625 1,606.625 14.750 94.250 4.130 10.000 10.210 0.815 0.750 0.675 6,161.830
 April 3,887.900 1,439.500 33.375 23.500 1.558 6.890 0.308 0.500 0.970 5,394.500
May 4,170.188 1,185.250 22.625 16.875 0.750 3.125 0.576 6.750 0.620 5,406.759
 June 4,352.175 1,272.000 13.875 13.125 1.083 2.250 1.006 7.750 0.610 16.250 5,680.124
 July 4,121.938 1,459.500 39.500 12.125 0.523 2.375 0.583 6.375 0.395 20.180 5,663.493
 August 4,194.200 997.250 30.125 16.125 6.215 8.363 0.668 21.625 0.923 5,275.493
 September 2,767.500 1,250.125 215.750 4.750 3.700 0.060 1.000 0.255 11.375 0.639 4,067.279
 October 2,989.825 1,071.125 30.125 4.203 0.655 9.750 0.250 0.968 4,106.900
 November 2,990.513 1,144.625 32.125 4.625 2.640 0.031 0.870 5.250 0.948 4,181.626
 December 2,484.500 1,131.875 10.000 8.500 2.790 0.050 0.010 0.921 2.375 3,641.021
 Total 44,868.363 15,172.625 288.000 473.125 31.276 40.141 44.573 6.849 72.500 0.250 7.021 36.430 61,041.153