Pursuant to President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.’s directive to advance fiber sector research, production, and education while seizing new growth opportunities, PhilFIDA Executive Director Arnold “Ali” I. Atienza visited Dalaguete, ...
PhilFIDA Executive Director Arnold “Ali” I. Atienza visited Sulci Handicraft Trading Inc., a PhilFIDA-registered processor in Carcar City, Cebu. Founded by Satomi Sekiya in 2010, Sulci Handicraft Trading empowers local ...
Philippine Fiber Industry Development Authority (PhilFIDA) Executive Director Arnold “Ali” I. Atienza visited Cebu Interlace Weavers’ Corporation, a well-established company in the local weaving industry and a registered fiber processor ...
The Philippine Fiber Industry Development Authority (PhilFIDA) met with key officers of the Cebu Furniture Industry Foundation, Incorporated (CFIF) to discuss the utilization of fibers in furniture manufacturing. The delegation, ...
Philippine Fiber Industry Development Authority (PhilFIDA) Executive Director Arnold “Ali” I. Atienza recently visited Interope Marketing Company, Inc., a PhilFIDA-registered processor and Grading/Baling Establishment (GBE) in Cebu Province. This visit ...
Pursuant to President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.’s directive to advance fiber sector research, production, and education while seizing new growth opportunities, Philippine Fiber Industry Development Authority (PhilFIDA) Executive Director Arnold ...