Rapid, Inclusive and Sustained Economic Growth
Production Support Program
  • Production and distribution of clean and disease-free planting materials;
  • Detection of viral diseases in abaca thru ELISA testing;
  • Establishment and maintenance of regular fibercrop nurseries and mother block nurseries;
  • Integrated Abaca Disease Management Project (ADMP);
  • Revitalization of Abaca under Coconut areas;
  • Establishment and maintenance of Abaca Under Coconut Areas (APuCAP);
  • Fibercrop development Program with Area Validation (Cotton Development Project);
  • Establishment of Ginning and Baling Facility;
  • Increasing the Productivity of Sericulture Farmers;
  • Implementation of the Abaca Tuxy Buying Special Project (ATBSP).
Research and Development
  • Development of production technologies through the conduct of agricultural researches on Crop Improvement, Crop Production, Crop Protection and on Agricultural Engineering (soil, water and postharvest)
  • Development/adoption of technologies on the utilization of plant fibers; and
  • Development/improvement of postharvest technologies on fiber extraction.
Extension Support, Education and Training
  • Conduct of Farmers’ Training
    – Farmers Field School (FFS);
    – Technical Training;
    – Fiber-based Livelihood Training;
    – Package of Technology Training (POT);
    – LGU-led Training on Basic Handloom Weaving.
  • Technical Assistance on Opening of New Fibercrop Areas;
  • Technical Assistance on Rehabilitation of Old and Unproductive Fibercrop Areas;
  • Production and Distribution of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Materials;
  • Support to Cocoon Production;
  • Project Collaboration with LGU/Private Sector;
  • Coordination/Cooperation with DA AMAS for the Market Assistance and Trade Promotion Services to Fiber Producers.
 Trade Regulatory Programs
  • Licensing Services through the issuance of licenses to fiber industry participants which included Grading and Baling Establishments (GBEs), buying stations, trade exporter, local traders, fiber processors and fiber classifiers. It entails continuous monitoring and evaluation of their facilities to ensure they conform to FIDA regulations; and
  • Fiber Inspection and Enforcement of Grading Standards through the strict enforcement of fiber grading standards to ensure that fibers being traded conform to government standards to maintain the leading Philippine position in the International Market.
Plans and Policies Developed and Monitored
  • Formulation of plans, programs, coordination, monitoring and evaluation;
  • Conduct of consultations and meetings with the industry sector;
  • Implementation of Data Monitoring System of the Fiber Industry; and
  • Attendance to foreign meetings, conferences and representation in foreign such as the FAO/UNCTAD working group on hard fibers.